cassava animal feed
Animals raised on cassava have generally good health good disease resistance and a low mortality and require few if any antibiotics in their feed As part of the cassava transformation plan with Nigeria GCP21 hopes to address the issue of by-products from cassava processing especially the peels to convert. Over half of the cassava crop is grown in Africa with a third in Asia and 14 in Latin America. Poultry Feed Pellet Mill Manufacturing Process Report For layers it was determined that the cassava mash replaced 35 of the birds feed ration and resulted in a 10-15 reduction in the cost of feed for local farmers. . The publication shares findings of the study with those interested specifically in cassava as animal feed. Although more than 90 of the worlds cassava production is used for human food interest in this crop as an energy source for inclusion in pig and poultry. The companys feed is called Ultimate Cassava Meal and is suitable for pou